
Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an incredibly powerful tool for any business. Its insights allow businesses to understand what pages on their website are most valuable.

Analytics Dashboard
Google Analytics Screenshot

Measure What Matters

Businesses are flooded with multiple sources and metrics, which can all be used by experts to understand business performance. It can be daunting for businesses to understand what the data actually means. Our passionate team of experts are available with the experience and knowledge to cut through the noise and help you identify what data actually matters.

Though a more strategic approach is to only measure what matters to your business. Cutting back on the noise can simplify web analytics for your business, ensuring that the complexity of analytics aligns to your businesses analytics requirements.

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Google Analytics Audits

Ensuring Google Analytics is correctly implemented and tracking the right actions on your website, can make or break digital marketing, like Google Ads or social media. In our experience understanding what is and is not tracked on your website is often not clear or knowledge that is retained by the person that set-up the tracking. Our experience team are well versed is auditing existing Google Analytics implementations to ensure what you believe is being tracking, tracking is documented and your implementation is inline with best practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Google Analytics?

    Google Analytics is the leading free website and app analytics service, used by business small and large around the world. In tracking website traffic, it helps track and provide insights into website traffic, including the popular pages on your website; the performance of digital marketing and advertising such as paid social (Facebook, TikTok & Instagram); paid search (Google Ads); and organic traffic from SEO campaigns.

  • Is Google Analytics Free?

    Google Analytics is free for most customers. While there is a paid version of Google Analytics, Google Analytics 360, this is only sold to enterprise customers that typically have data science capabilities.

  • What is Google Analytics 4?

    Introduced in October 2020 Google Analytics 4 is the latest analytics solution provided for free by Google, which all businesses will need to update by June 20 2023. Google Analytics 4 is a significant improvement on its predecessor, Universal Analytics, and is built to improve user privacy removing the need for the collection of IP Addresses.

  • What is the difference between Google Analytics 4 and Universal Analytics?

    Google Analytics 4 introduces a new measurement methodology moving from the hit-based approach used in Universal Analytics to an event-based measurement system.

  • Who Needs Google Analytics?

    Any website that is being run with a commercial purpose should have some level of analytics on it, to understand the business return. While Google Analytics is the most popular there are other solutions available.

  • How do I use Google Analytics?

    Google Analytics is an incredibly powerful tool that can be daunting for new users. Our expert team are here to help with Google Analytics Training sessions.

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